Landscape Garden Maintenance (Part -2)
Series: Two
In this series of Landscape maintenance, we will give you insights of maintaining longevity and health of a Fruit Plant.
Fruit plants require full sunlight and proper spacing. In open area and backyards dig pits of 2’x2’x2’ for small trees like Sitaphal , Papaya, Fig, Pomegranate, Acid Lime, Guava etc. and dig pits of 3’x3’x3’ for bigger species like Mango, Sapota, Coconut etc. After exposure of 15-20 days fill the pits with 65% of red sandy loam soil and 35% of well decomposed cattle manure, 2-5 kg of Neem cake, 1-2 Kgs of Super phosphate and 50-100 Gms. Of Folidol dust, mix them well and plant the tree.
After planting, form basins (bunding the pits) for feeding water and fertilizers. Staking can also be provided for added strength to the plant. For larger plants double ring method of basin is required, where the inner bund has to be 2-4 feet away from the trunk of the plant as per the canopy / size of the plant, and the outer bund has to be 2 feet away from the inner bund. Attend to regulate pruning to remove fresh root stock sprouts in case of grafted/ budded plants in the initial stages of growth.
After establishing of the plant, small doses of fertilizers i.e. one tea spoon of N.P.K. (19:19:19) once in 15 days can be given, followed by sufficient watering. The dosage of fertilizers can be increased with increase in the size of the plant. Apply cattle manure during June-july (on onset of monsoon) and October-November along with fertilizers. Water regularly (daily) or twice a week in case of flood irrigation, to keep the soil moist. Drip irrigation is preferred for better and faster growth, and also for management of weeds.
We can grow fruit plants on roof tops in planter boxes, after ascertaining the structural strength of the building and doing proper water proofing and also in the backyard.
On every new growth and at the commencement of flowering, spray pesticides like Rogor, Endosulfon (2ml./Lts) or Neem Oil (5ml./Lts) and Fungicides like Blitox or Dithane M45 (3gms./Lts) or Bavistin (1.5gms./Lts). For Mites or Powdery Mildew, spray Sulfex (3-4 gms. /Lts) or Karathene (1ml/Lts). Consult a Horticulturist for further help. To control grassy weeds, spray Glycel (10ml/Lts.) mixed with Ammonium Sulphate (10gms/Lts).
Regular Mulching (loosening of soil) in the basin helps in better growth and fruiting of plants. For commercial (large scale) growing of fruit plants it is important to undertake soil and water analysis before planting.